Children’s Day
year, the children in Turkey celebrate this “ Sovereignty and Children’s Day”
as a national holiday. The founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal
Atatürk, dedicated April 23 to all the children of the world.
remember how I used to celebrate this special day when I was a child. Children
from all over the world come to Turkey and some great, unique memories created
and new friendships started. Maybe it didn’t continue forever but it helped to
become an open-minded person. I remember when I was in middle school, a dance
school students from Latvia came to our school. And students stayed as guests
in our houses. I had three guests in my house. Those days were great. After
that, we exchanged some postcards on special days like new years. I lost
contact when I was getting ready for the university exam I guess. But it
doesn’t matter because those days were and always will be my precious childhood
think for everyone childhood memories are really important. Most of the time it
gives clues about our future life and future dreams. I think I was lucky. I had
childhood memories full of Micheal Jackson and Disney.
thanks to all of the things I mentioned above right now the terms like
“Cultural Exchange”, “Creativity”, “Music” and “Dream” are really important for
me. I am not a musician but to cherish something you don’t have to do it as a
professional. ( Musicians and musicals also needs writers rights ;) )
let people take away your dreams, your childhood and your happiness from you.
And never ever let your childish side go away. Happy children’s day to all of
the children around the world and people who have a childish side.