Before I talk about my favorite parts let’s look at it generally.
Firstly, like the author said, this is not a rule book, this is a guide book.
There is cell phone etiquette, how to travel wisely with different kind of transportation in Japan, Best behavior at the places you are going to stay; Capsule Hotels, Minshuku, Ryokan, Hotels, Shukubo, Guest Houses...etc., using toilets and baths, eating in the public(this is one of the things I was curious about.), Gift etiquette (especially Meibutsu( famous things) and the wedding reception money part), Business Meeting etiquette and so on...
I think gift etiquette was one of my favorite part. I was planning to send a gift and when reading this book I noticed that even I was very careful, I was almost making a fatal mistake so if you have a penfriend there and you think they are open minded and won’t care much about these things, remember that probably they are trying their best when they are communicating with you. In return we can try our best too, right?
Language and conversation section is really useful too.
So if you are visiting Japan, if you have a Japanese penfriend, if your Japanese friends going to visit you or just curious about Japanese Etiquette, you may like this book.
One last thing, Do you know What a “Sound Princess” is?
Do you know when knocking if it’s a toilet door you know 2 times, and if it’s a meeting room door you knock 3 times.
Well I didn’t... if you want to learn more about it here is a link for you. Thanks for Reading.